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Dead sea and Masada

Israel is a beautiful place for the nature lover and the tourists.

 It is a great experience that no one should ever miss it.

  1. We will go up the cable car to Masada which is derived from the word castle near the Dead Sea in the southern part. Special mountain at an altitude of 500 meters above sea level is a fascinating mix between the fort and palaces that left us the king of Herod more than 2000 years ago, with the enlightening story of the last rebels against the Roman rule. They lived and fought against the Romans in 73 AD and their heroism story is the most fascinating part of the site.

  2. We will go down to the Dead Sea, a tour to the lowest place in the word – 430 meters below sea level. This is the place where you can float and read your favorite book in the visit experience, in one of the most beautiful sites in Israel. The Dead Sea was selected ninth place in the global competition to the seven natural wonders of the world and for a good reason. This is one of the world’s most beautiful natural gem.

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